Cyber Jihad

In today’s modern information-driven Cyber World it should be noted that radical cyber activists often blur the lines between good old fashioned Web Site Defacements to further spread their message and propaganda further causing havoc and disruption potentially undermining the legitimate infrastructure targeted in their campaigns potentially raising funds spreading propaganda teaching and educating others including possible recruitment on their way to cause havoc and disrupt legitimate infrastructure online. aims to educate a new generation of Cyber Warriors on the basic principles behind the fight against Cyber Jihad including the opportunity to provide actionable threat intelligence on currently active cyber jihad and propaganda groups by successfully analyzing a decent portion of the malicious traffic produced by designated entities in the World of Cyber Warfare.

Topics of Interest Include:

  • European Based Cyber Jihadist Groups and their associated propaganda and malicious online activity including the successful profiling and ongoing take-down efforts in terms of campaign analysis and disruption
  • Russian-Based Cyber Jihadist Groups
    and their associated propaganda and malicious online activity
    including the successful profiling and ongoing take-down efforts in terms of campaign analysis and disruption
  • Turkish-Based Cyber Jihadist Groups
    and their associated propaganda and malicious online activity
    including the successful profiling and ongoing take-down efforts in terms of campaign analysis and disruption
  • International Cyber Jihadist Groups
    and their associated propaganda and malicious online activity
    including the successful profiling and ongoing take-down efforts in terms of campaign analysis and disruption

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