
Today’s modern and information-driven Cyber ecosystem further prompts for a new generation of Cyber Warriors successfully prepared to face today’s modern and sophisticated cyber threats further blurring the lines between ethical penetration testing and actual malicious and clandestine offensive Cyber Warfare type of operations and online activity.

Unit-123.org aims to educate a new generation of Pro-Western Cyber Warriors on current tactics techniques and methodologies in the World of Ethical Penetration Testing and actual live hacking examples further providing the new generation of Cyber Warriors with the necessary data information and knowledge including hands-on-experience in the World of Hacking

Key Topics Include:

  • Social engineering in today’s modern social media and micro-blogging driven Online Ecosystem including live examples and practical recommendations further improving an individual or an organization’s situational awareness.
  • Live Hacking Examples – or how you should better go for defending your own network and reach where no one has ever reached before.
  • Launching and Maintaining of Cyber Assets including the active launching of Tailored Access Operations including potentially clandestine cyber operations.

Approach Unit-123.org Operator – Dancho Danchev – dancho.danchev@hush.com

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